The average stay in recovery is 30 – 75 minutes depending on the type of surgery and your own personal recovery.
After you have returned home, BE SURE TO REREAD THE DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS and follow your doctor’s orders regarding rest, medication and activity.
It is not unusual to feel a little sleepy, lightheaded, or dizzy for several hours after surgery.
Over-the-counter Dramamine can be helpful in minimizing post operative nausea and vomiting. (If diabetic, notify your physician of prolonged nausea and vomiting.)
A slightly elevated temperature can occur for a few days after surgery. If 101 degrees or greater, call your surgeon.
If you have questions or problems after surgery, please contact your surgeon. Please be sure to review the discharge instructions before calling your surgeon’s office.
Do not drive a car, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, operate machinery, or cook for 24 hours after surgery.