If your surgeon sends you to your Primary Care Physician for a pre-operative physical exam you should arrange an appointment within 30 days of your surgery date.
Based on your medical history your doctor may order preoperative tests, such as blood work, EKG, and/or other tests as necessary.
A nurse from the surgery center will call you a week or two before surgery to obtain a health history, give you instructions, and to answer any questions or concerns. Please advise the nurse if you have sleep apnea or a latex allergy.
You are required to have a responsible adult drive you home and remain with you the first 24 hours after surgery. Your surgery will be cancelled if you do not have these arrangements in place. You cannot drive, use public transportation or walk home. Your companion should anticipate remaining at the center throughout your stay.
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. If you have been instructed to take medication, please take it with just a sip of water.
You will receive a call with your arrival time one to two days before your scheduled surgery. The time is not available prior to that day. It is important to keep the entire day available as we may not be able to accommodate a specific time request.
Call your surgeon if there is any change in your physical condition before your surgery such as flu, fever, or injury to the operative area.